Daily price limits | The base price limit will be 4%. Whenever the base daily price limit is breached, the relaxation will be allowed upto 6%
without any cooling off period in the trade. In case the daily price limit of 6% is also breached, then after a cooling off
period of 15 minutes, the daily price limit will be relaxed upto 9%. In case price movement in international markets is
more than the maximum daily price limit (currently 9%), the same may be further relaxed in steps of 3%. |
Quality Specifications
Grade A Copper Cathodes
Only LME approved brands will be accepted #. For the purpose of quality assessment, reliance shall
be placed by the WSP on the Certificate of Analysis (CoA) issued by the producer.
Primary Aluminium Ingots with minimum purity of 99.70%.
Only LME approved brands will be accepted. For the purpose of quality
assessment, reliance shall be placed by the WSP on the Certificate of Analysis
(CoA) issued by the producer.
Lead Ingots with minimum purity of 99.98%.
MCX approved brands will be accepted . For the purpose of quality assessment, reliance
Primary Special High-Grade Zinc with minimum purity of 99.995%.
Only LME approved brands will be accepted. For the purpose of quality
assessment, reliance shall be placed by the WSP on the Certificate of Analysis
(CoA) issued by the producer.